Hello Friend,

Creativity is self-care.
Welcome to a self-care playground amidst existential chaos…

“I used to think I was the strangest person in the world but then I thought there are so many people in the world, there must be someone just like me who feels bizarre and flawed in the same ways I do. I would imagine her, and imagine that she must be out there thinking of me, too. Well, I hope that if you are out there and read this and know that, yes, it’s true I’m here, and I’m just as strange as you.” - Frida Kahlo

I’m glad you’re here.

I’m good at art and empathy—so that’s what I’m putting into the world. (However, I’m still trying to figure out whatever exactly that looks like.) Mindfully Unapologetic is an independent community art project for empathy advocacy and artistic inspiration to support mental and emotional wellness. Much like me, it’s a beautifully flawed work in progress and always growing and evolving—

Mindfully Unapologetic is a playground of self. You’re invited to wander around and follow what interests you:
• Enjoy reading, podcast, and YouTube recommendations
• Free contemplative writing prompts, self-care checklists, and decorative quotes
• Free mandala coloring .PDFs and video art tutorials
• Paintings & Playlists (Painting timelapse videos w/ curated playlist)
• Blogs about life, my weirdo dogs, depression, self-care and more
Use what works, leave what doesn’t. It’s way more fun than doom-scrolling, I promise.

I make art, you might like it.

I make art because I get sad when I don’t. Art is the love of my life. A place of safety and catharsis for reflection, grieving, joy and loving discovery. My work is for anyone, but not for everyone. My art invites you to stay a while and explore; venture in and see what your imagination finds. Follow your own playful curiosity and see what my artwork ignites in you. What do you see? How does your body respond? What does it remind you of? How are you feeling?

Okay, now go play.

Creativity is an innate part of being human. It’s your right because you exist. Enjoy whatever sort of creative goodness that makes your perfectly unique brain happy.
You matter. You are an amazing human living in chaos literally all the time.
You deserve your own time and attention. Rest is good for you. Play is good for you. Joy and authenticity are what make all of this existential-crisis nonsense worthwhile. Make time for yourself, and here is one place you can—without judgement, comparison, expectation, or obligation.

Enjoy a relaxing time-lapse video of my intuitive painting process accompanied by a curated playlist. “Intuitive painting” means I have no idea what a painting will “be” when I begin. I simply relax, listen to music, and get lost in the beautiful process of creative expression. By trusting that flow, my works naturally reveal themselves. As the piece takes shape, I refine whatever imagery I discover. Each unique playlist features songs from creative-musical-humans who often inspire me while working.

Join me as I compassionately, playfully, and vulnerably share my experiences and insights as an empath creative with mental illness, as well as the ways I’ve found to build a wholehearted, content, loving, and healing journey amidst life’s chaos.

“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.”
Nelson Mandela