“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.”
― Audre Lorde

Here are some free resources to gently explore the beauty of your life through the lens of compassion and gratitude. Dabble in self-reflection. Try adding a bit of creativity, contemplation, playfulness, or sneaky self-care into your day and see how it feels.

You are a beautiful, flawed, and phenomenal being. You have innate value. You have nothing to prove. You are already enough and deserving of love exactly as you are.

Free Reflective Writing Prompts:

Set aside 10-15 minutes. Take a couple of deep breaths and allow yourself feel grounded in your environment. Honestly and vulnerably explore these questions. Be gentle with yourself. Practice a lens of self-compassion, free of judgment, shame, or comparison to others or an idealized version of who you think you should be.
If you’re like me, and don’t really like reflective writing, try using fun colored pens that write smoothly-because they feel neat.)

Paint with Me:

Paint along videos offer a relaxing step by step approach to painting several different approaches to intuitive painting as well as various tips, tools, and techniques. Art is for everyone!

Free Self-Care Checklists:

These free .pdf downloads provide are beautiful visual reminders for self-care. Try posting one near your bathroom mirror, by your door, at your computer desk, or on your nightstand. They serve has pretty reminders that you are worth your own time, care, and love.

Quotable Humans

Enjoy these free .pdf downloads of thought-provoking words from inspiring individuals combined with my original intuitive artwork.

If you haven’t tried coloring since you were a young, it’s worth giving it a go in adulthood. The simple, easy act of coloring is delightful because it: Triggers the relaxation response in your brain, calming the mind and reducing levels of stress and anxiety • Improves focus, motor skills, and dexterity • Induces a meditative state through directed creative attention • Brings awareness to the present moment to help achieve mindfulness • Accessible activity for most skill levels and is easily transportable with minimal clean-up • Coloring before bed can help improve sleep

Coloring Pages

Relax with meditative intuitive art extended time-lapse videos | What is “intuitive painting”?

I have no idea what I am painting when I start. I just start. I play, enjoy the process and allow whatever takes shape to unfurl. Art simply is. There are no mistakes in art. By relaxing into the beauty of the present moment, the universe helps reveal my own art to me. If I were limiting myself to one particular idea of success (or what my painting should look like) I’d miss out on something magical and unexpected.

I invite you to take a deep breath, bring your awareness back to your body and your breath. Enjoy discovering how abstract layers of delightful chaos eventually take the form of something beautiful and enigmatic; something I never could have created solely from my own planning. What forms and atmosphere do you notice? How does it feel to explore the artistic unknown?